Project to enable expedited restoration of railway freight service within the region
During the extensive Midwest flooding beginning in March 2019, the Nishnabotna River, a tributary of the Missouri River, topped its banks and levees. As the water rushed downstream, it caused severe scouring and the immediate closure of the bridge on U.S. Highway 136 in Rock Port, Missouri.
While not heavily traveled, it was particularly critical the route be restored as quickly as possible as it provided the only access for BNSF Railway crews to service flood-damaged equipment and resume full freight service within the region.
In order to quickly restore safe passage, it was decided to “overbridge” or slide a longer Acrow bridge inside the damaged structure. While the existing bridge is 150´ long, Acrow’s structure is 190´ long with a width of 18´ and HS-20 loading
The project came with a particularly tight delivery and erection requirement, however, Acrow was able to meet the deadline — the structure was opened to traffic eight days after receipt of the order. Acrow’s bridge is expected to be in use for three months while BNSF Railway completes repairs in the immediate area.