Enabling transformative infrastructure

Ensuring project success from start to finish

Acrow brings together the key elements needed to secure complex structured finance in support of large scale bridge programmes. We engage governments and financial institutions to develop and implement bankable projects. Through Acrow’s partnerships with major financial institutions, we ensure project feasibility from start to finish.

Enabling transformative infrastructure finance

Acrow recognises that large-scale infrastructure investments require bankable structured finance. We have a proven track record of working with governments all over the world delivering transformative, large-scale bridge development programmes and we are committed to helping customers access the essential funding they need to make their project a reality.

We offer:

  • Bankable Financing Solutions – to make your project possible
  • Stakeholder Engagement – we bring the right parties to the table
  • Proven Track Record – extensive project leadership in 150+ countries


Acrow also assists with project implementation, working closely with local stakeholders through project management activities, extensive training programmes and on-site technical assistance. This helps ensure the successful installation of the largest quantity of bridges in the shortest timescale possible.

Through its financed Bridge Development Programme model, Acrow has worked on a number of large infrastructure development projects in Africa, including the supply of more than 150 bridges to the Government of Angola, 100 bridges to the Department of Feeder Roads in Ghana, 44 bridges in Cameroon and recently, more than 130 bridges to the Government of Zambia.

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Bridge Infrastructure Development Finance Programs