Transformative infrastructure through structured finance and skills transfer

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Bridge Development and Training Programs

No matter how complex, Acrow can make your bridge project a reality.

Large-scale infrastructure investments require bankable structured finance arranged by project leaders with a proven track record. We bring the right stakeholders together to develop the best solutions for bridge design, financing and training. Throughout the entire process, Acrow connects you to transformative infrastructure development.

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100 Bridges in Under a Year in Ghana

Acrow partnered with Ghana’s Ministry of Transport in the design, manufacture and supply of 100 bridges across the country. Collaboration with the Department of Feeder Roads led to pinpointing the needs across a variety of conditions, from rural to urban. Acrow also assisted in arranging the financing for this extensive programme. Local skills transfer was critical to the long-term success of the project. Acrow trained over 100 local engineers, technicians and contractors on every aspect of site preparation, assembly, launch, installation and maintenance of the bridges. The revitalisation of Ghana’s critical feeder road system connects villages, towns and cities to the main arteries of transport.

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Bridge Development and Training Programs - 02

Acrow in Africa

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Bridge Development and Infrastructure Programs